☐   Ask us for the name of a good quality hotel that is in a convenient location and that has the amenities that meet your needs.

☐   Tentatively book a Home Inspector after you set your arrival date. Confirm there is no penalty to cancel or re-schedule the home inspection.

☐    Bring your chequebook along. You may need to pay for a home inspection and put a deposit on your new home.

☐    Bring a video or still camera to take pictures of the home you purchase. Remember, we will need the owners’ permission first!

☐    Bring slip-on shoes to get in and out of homes more quickly.

☐    If you are bringing younger children along, you may want to arrange for childcare to facilitate evening showings and while reviewing and signing important documentation.

☐    Being in contact with a local lender or broker prior to your arrival may expedite the purchase process, particularly when we are trying to remove any financing conditions from your Offer of Purchase and Sale. If you need contact information for the local Mortgage Specialists we can provide you with their details.

☐   You may require the services of other professionals while on your house-hunting trip i.e., lawyer, home inspector, contractor, etc. We can provide you with a list of experienced specialists who will be pleased to assist you.

☐   Bring medical referral letters to arrange for new medical practitioners when you have some free time. The sooner you get on wait lists, the better!

☐    When we have an accepted offer, but are still waiting to remove our conditions i.e., home inspection, etc., you may wish to take advantage of the time to complete other tasks, such as those noted below, if you are from out of town. Make sure you bring along all required documentation to:

                               →  Investigate schools
                               →  Drop off resumes at potential employers
                               →  Open bank accounts
                               →  Complete change of address cards
                               →  Research a babysitter
                               →  Set-up utilities/phone/cable

☐    To speed up the process, ask us for our Moving Checklist which has the phone numbers for local utility companies and businesses.

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